
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Home Improvements: Kitchen Cabinets and Dresser

**I'm so excited to announce that I've started a youtube channel discussing everything home making. My channel name is Surviving As Mom.  Check it out!!

I posted a video of my complete kitchen remodel.  Check it out!!

You will eventually see in photos how awful my kitchen is.  It is the only thing we did not redo yet in our house.  It is the original from the 1950's with no counter space and very little cabinet space.  It also had the original appliances which we've already replaced (minus the 10 year old refrigerator).  We hope to completely redo it in the next few years.

That being said, I decided that after 6 years of living here, it was time to do something to improve its appearance since I've completely ignored it since moving in.  The old torn wallpaper was still up and the cabinets and hardware were the original gross colors.  So, last November I decided to at least paint the kitchen to try to improve the appearance a little so it wouldn't be as embarrassing.  Even though it didn't improve the functionality much, at least it looks a little nicer now.

I painted the walls, ceiling, and all the cabinets.  I also spray painted all the hardware.  This is the finished product.

Since the cabinet can counter space is so pathetic, I had to come up with a solution (on a tight budget) for improving this a little.  So, I found an old dresser on craigslist for $30 that I sanded and repainted with matching paint colors from the kitchen.  I also spray painted the hardware on the dresser to match. This definitely helped with space a little.  This is the finished product.

This just goes to show with a little paint and imagination, you can improve just about anything!

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