
Friday, August 30, 2013

Cleaning: Bathroom (step by step)

**I'm so excited to announce that I've started a youtube channel discussing everything home making. My channel name is Surviving As Mom.  Check it out!!

We all have the wonderful task of cleaning the bathroom.  Most of us don't like it!  However, as a family of 5, to which I am the only female, cleaning my two bathrooms often is a requirement.

The pics in this blog are from my main bathroom that is used by everyone including the kids.  It is possible to have a beautiful, clean bathroom, even with preschoolers.  Their bath toys are hidden under the sink in a plastic basket purchased from the dollar store.

My most used chemicals and tools for this job are: Peroxide, Windex, Clorox Bleach wipes, Vinegar, Clorox Toilet Wand, a soap dispensing scrubber (filled with 50/50 Dawn Soap and vinegar), Febreeze and the Libman Freedom Mop with Pinesol.

You can refer to my other blog:
Cleaner Cleaning: Vinegar, peroxide and baking soda

After years of practice, I think I've finally perfected my routine.  Here it is:

1. Cleaning the vanity/sink:
-First I clean all excess items off of the counter.  This usually includes hair accessories, brush, bath toys, and anything else that can usually accumulate.
-I use a Clorox Bleach wipe to wipe the faucet,  handles, counter top and the items I keep on the counter (Q-tip holder, toothbrush holders, wet wipe box).
-I use the Clorox Toilet wand with a fresh cleaning bad to scrub the sink.  *When you are done, don't throw it away.  You will use the same pad to clean the toilet.

2. Clean the toilet:
-First I use a Clorox Bleach wipes to clean all the surfaces of the toilet tank, including the flush handle.
-Next I clean both sides of the toilet lid and seat, paying careful attention to the cracks and seams.  I then wipe of the toilet rim, including the odd space between the seat and tank.
-Use a clean wipe to clean the entire outside of the toilet (below the rim).  This includes the structures on the backside under the toilet and the joint where the toilet meets the floor.
-Lastly, I use the Clorox Toilet wand (with the same pad I used to clean the sink) and clean the inside of the toilet.  Don't forget to clean under the rim where the water comes from.  Discard the pad in the trash when done.  Do Not flush it!

3. Clean the bathtub:
I'll admit that I save this step for when I'm actually in the shower.  For me, it's just easier on my back than leaning in an awkward position trying to scrub everything.  For general cleaning, I use my soap dispensing scrubber filled with a 50/50 mixture of Dawn Dish soap and vinegar.  I make sure to scrub the walls, window sill, plumbing fixtures, bathtub and rim of tub.  Make sure to pay careful attention to tight corners and angles.  For the stubborn, hard to clean "ring around the tub", I use the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser after I've scrubbed and disinfected everything with my soap dispensing scrubber.

Back to the regular cleaning routine:
-I use a clean Clorox Bleach wipe to wipe the edges and outside of the bathtub, including the seam where it meets the floor.
-I finish by spraying the shower curtain with Febreeze to freshen it up a little.

4. Extra stuff:
-At this point, I clean my mirror with Windex, tidy up my towels and magazines, and empty the trash can.  I also like to use a Clorox Bleach wipe to clean all door knobs, light fixtures, light switches, vanity drawer handles, picture frames, and ledges.

5. The floor:
After I've finished everything else, I move on to the floor.  This is done in multiple steps.
-First I take everything off the floor and move them into the hallway.
-Vacuum the entire floor, using the hose and nozzle for getting behind the toilet, in corners and under radiator.  Yes, I vacuum my bathroom.  I find it easier and more thorough than sweeping.
-Next, I spray the base of toilet, floor, and walls under, around and behind the toilet with Vinegar and peroxide.  Use a generous amount and make sure to thoroughly soak the grout lines.  Let it sit a few minutes.  Wipe it up with a used towel or lots of paper towels.
-The last thing I do is use my Libman Freedom mop with Pinesol to wash the floor.  Don't forget the area around the toilet.

*Once you put the trash can and (in my case) step stool and magazine holder back in place, you are done!!  This takes me about 20 minutes to complete.  Nice and easy!

*Additional Bits and Pieces*

-To neatly store shopping bags for the trash can, I keep them in an empty tissue box under the sink.  I have one in each bathroom.

-To neatly and stylishly store magazines and other reading materials, I use a rectangular planter that matches my decor.

-To neatly and easily store Clorox wand refill pads, I keep them in an empty glass jar.  This also allows for hands free dispensing.  I keep one jar with a wand in each bathroom.

-I try to keep the space under my sink as organized and clutter free as possible.  I try to keep cleaning products I use regularly (though this picture has a few extras).  I also try to keep the toilet paper nicely stocked (again, not so much in this pic).

Hopefully this blog has helped to make your bathroom neat and clean, and you learned that it's not that hard to do.

Happy Cleaning!!

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