
About Me

**I'm so excited to announce that I've started a youtube channel discussing everything home making. My channel name is Surviving As Mom.  Check it out!!

I'm new to this whole blogging thing, and I'm not much of a writer, but I have a lot of info to share that may be helpful to other moms out there.  

I'm sometimes called Supermom by other moms, though I am slightly embarrassed by this title because I really don't know what I'm doing.  I think like most moms, I feel like I'm just trying to survive each day.  My daily goal is to keep my children alive and try to keep my house in an acceptable condition.

When I'm not falling asleep on myself, I try to keep my brain active by finding new things to organize, new recipes to try, new lists or schedules to follow, or new things to teach my children.

My goal with this blog is to try to share helpful advice and tips with other moms.  I will share my experience and advice when it comes to raising twins (and multiple children in general), as well as how I manage my household.  This includes organizing, cleaning, planning and just making everything run as smooth as possible.  I also plan to share recipes as well and how I keep my marriage happy and healthy.  I'm not claiming to know it all or that I'm perfect, but I try my best to make things work as stress free and happy as possible.  If I can make someone's life even a little bit easier, then I've done my good deed.  

A little about me (at this moment):
I have 4 boys, twins L&L (born 3/09), B (born 7/12) and E (born 4/15).  I also have 2 Rottweilers who are sweet family dogs.  I've been married to my husband since 5/04 (together since 2000).  

My twins were very premature (born at 26 weeks), weighing only 1 lb, 15 ozs and 2 lbs, 5 ozs.  They spent 11 weeks in the NICU and the smaller of the two had heart and eye surgery.  I'm happy to report that they are doing great at this point in their life.  They are smart, healthy, funny, and just amazing.   

In my past professional life, I was a Funeral Director.  I loved my job and found great satisfaction in helping others.  I was only able to do it for a short time because being home with my children is more important.  

I will try my best to cover as many topics related to raising my children and running my household as possible.  If you have any questions or subjects of interest, just send me a message and I'll try my best to answer your questions. 

*Don't forget to tell your friends about me!


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